Digital global event

Discover how to harness the power of your data
and turn your data challenges into opportunities.

July 10 Session


Upcoming sessions

Jul 10

Transforming Data into Value

Generative AI and Advanced Search with Elastic and Google Cloud.

Generative AI is driving new opportunities, Operational efficiencies, cost savings, and value creation.

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Generative AI is driving new opportunities, Operational efficiencies, cost savings, and value creation.

Unlock the full potential of your data with the combined power of generative AI and advanced search technologies from Elastic and Google Cloud. This session delves into the transformative impact of these solutions on data management and analytics. Learn how to harness sophisticated AI algorithms and intuitive search capabilities to convert raw data into valuable insights, fostering growth and competitive advantage.



Valerio Arvizzigno

Principal Solutions Architect - Elastic

Delphin Barankanira

Cloud Partner Engineering Lead, ISV, Data Analytics and AI

Welcome to CloudLand

We look forward to seeing you in the Cloud!

In CloudLand, we will explore how to grow revenue and customer satisfaction, increase employee productivity, improve operational performance, and stop cyber threats.

Are you inundated with data?

Most organizations are. It is often siloed and distributed across apps, databases, and teams, making it difficult to find, analyze or visualize. And critical, data-driven business decisions must be made quickly and accurately for companies to stay ahead.

Discover how to harness the power of your data and turn your data challenges into opportunities.

Register Now

Join us for CloudLand, a four-part global virtual event featuring Elastic and Google Cloud.

What you will find

Together we will explore how to build scalable and efficient cloud solutions, leverage cutting-edge analytics tools, and gain a competitive edge with the latest in machine learning and automation.


Don't hesitate to get in touch with with any questions.

Previous sessions

Jun 08

Power is on the CLOUD

Learn how to get the most out of it.

Cloud is not the future but the present. It generates new ways of taking advantage of data, which is growing exponentially.

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Cloud is not the future but the present. It generates new ways of taking advantage of data, which is growing exponentially. And data is the most important asset for any organisation. So how can we get the most out of it? The answer is by searching, analysing and visualising data in real time using a unified and connected platform, with open source at its core.

In this session, attendees will learn how Elastic Stack, together with Google Cloud, can help you achieve this by using a unique set of tools.



Oren Loulay

Tech ISV Partner Manager, EMEA - Google Cloud

Brian Bergholm

Senior Product Marketing Manager Cloud - Elastic

Jun 21

Take your enterprise search to the next level

Find relevant information in seconds.

Organisations are increasingly handling more and more information, distributed in different places and in multiple types and formats.

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Organisations are increasingly handling more and more information, distributed in different places and in multiple types and formats. Databases, applications, data lakes, emails and many other external data sources combined create extremely complex environments.

So imagine being able to perform a single search across all these resources and get results in a unified way - and in real time? That is exactly what Elastic Enterprise Search allows you to do.

It can be easily deployed so any user can quickly and efficiently extract value from the information available in all these resources.

In this session you will learn how Elastic Enterprise Search works in combination with Google Cloud infrastructure to create one search engine where you can find everything you may need.



Jessica Taylor

Director, Product Marketing at Elastic

Cyril Tanneau

Chief Intelligence Officer at NORBr

Kathryn Eeds

Partner Engineer, Google Cloud

Jul 13

at 10 am Singapore | 10 am CET | 10 am EST

Knowing how to analyse data is crucial for your business

A journey into the art of observability.

Managing big data and multiple sources of information generates additional challenges for organisations.

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Managing big data and multiple sources of information generates additional challenges for organisations. It is of little use to have such data if it is not understood or cannot detect and fix possible errors caused by application behaviour. Observability is one of the solutions to these problems as it provides detailed information and context about such behaviour.

In this session you will learn how Elastic Observability on Google Cloud allows you to effectively monitor and gain insights from all your distributed and cloud-native systems to achieve full-fledged observability.



Delphin Barankanira

ISV Partner Engineer, Google Cloud

Akshath Kumar

Director of Engineering, WePay

Gagan Singh

VP, Product Marketing, Observability, Elastic

Jul 27

Unlimited Cloud security

Prevent potential attacks.

In terms of security, businesses can be divided into two types: those that have already been attacked and those that will be in the future.

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In terms of security, businesses can be divided into two types: those that have already been attacked and those that will be in the future.

Although Google Cloud has multiple security capabilities embedded in its platform, companies deploying their applications and services must incorporate their own security measures in the cloud to detect and respond to threats at the speed and scale of the cloud, and prevent ransomware, phishing and malware attacks in general.

Elastic Security was designed to do just that: prevent, detect and respond to potential threats by gaining a unified view of the entire infrastructure.

In this session, you will learn about all the capabilities that Elastic Security offers to keep your environments secure and get a comprehensive view that can prevent potential attacks.



TJ Mai

Sr. Customer Engineer, Google Cloud

Matteo Rebeschini

Sr. Principal Solutions Architect, Elastic


